Monday, January 31, 2011

character biography

I was only able to complete one character for this assignment. This character is an everyman (or easily, an everywoman). No superpowers here, or great abilities, just an average joe slogging his way through his life the best that he can. This character is intended for either a comic strip, or comic book, and is intended to provide an observation point for psychological insights about the human condition. He is harried at work, and comes into frequent conflict (of varying seriousness) with his family, but soldiers on, as best he can. He has good days (mostly minor triumphs - snagging the last bag of outdated jerky, which is on sale), as well as bad days. I was thinking very much of the observational comedy of the early comic books by Matt Groening, 'Work is Hell', and 'Love is Hell', as well as the character, 'Sad Sack'.

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